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Manasota Air Conditioning Contractors Association

Marketing Campaigns that Generated $20,000 In Revenue

Wednesday, December 04, 2019 5:46 PM | Anonymous

Marketing Campaigns that Generated $20,000 In Revenue

Originally published: 08.01.19 by Joy Gendusa

If growing your HVAC business has been a challenge, then have a seat and stop to read this article for a moment.

I’m going to share 3 case studies from actual clients of mine who implemented ONE simple tactic that generated leads and sales. Let’s jump right in!

1. Mail to current customers multiple times for a $20K revenue boost

Most homeowners don’t think about if or when their HVAC unit is likely to need repairs, so it’s your job to remind them — and it takes more than one reminder to cut through the noise and be noticed.

One of my clients, Glass City Heating & AC, generated a great response from their campaign.

Here’s one of the postcards they mailed:

Here are a few details from their mailings:

  • Targeted their current customer list
  • Mailed 5,000 postcards three times (15,000 cards total)
  • Campaign lasted one year with mailings every four months
  • Each mailing was a different seasonal design
  • Each design offered multiple offers on tune-ups, repairs and installations

Mailing schedule: just before winter, before summer and recall campaigns in either spring or fall (they alternate and have been running this for years)

The results? They received 10-15 calls from these campaigns. And because they use this strategy consistently, year after year, they’ve nailed down that for every 5,000 cards they mail, they receive about $20,000 in business.

When you’re consistent with your marketing — and these guys are, year in and year out — your results become more and more reliable.

2. Target your new prospects and book 310 appointments

Let’s look next at an HVACR business that wanted to generate new customers, which means they had to target brand new prospects (who probably hadn’t heard of them before) rather than marketing to their own customer database.

One of my clients purchased a large mailing list of 42,000 addresses. They chose to mail to:

  • Single family homeowners
  • Condominium owners
  • All built between 1978 and 2003

Here’s their no-frills, yet eye-catching, design:

Their bright orange postcard design jumped out of mailboxes like an emergency alert that MUST be noticed and read.

Here are the rest of their campaign’s details and their results:

  • Seven mailings of 6,000 cards
  • Received 567 calls
  • Booked 310 appointments
  • Averaged $1,395 PER booking in revenue

If you’re doing the math, that is $432,450 is revenue generated. Amazing!!

3. Give an attractive special offer to generate 155 responses

Most small business owners react the same way about special offers: “I don’t want to discount my services.” Right? Well, not so fast…

A special offer that appeals to ALL consumers can be the make-or-break factor between calling you or calling your competition.

The last campaign we’ll look at is definitely offer-forward to get an edge on the competition. Here’s the postcard design — with the special offer — from my client Kenrich Mechanical:

As for the rest of the campaign, here is what we did:

  • Target a list of 5,000 existing customers
  • AC tune-up focus in advance of summer
  • Mail to the same list three times
  • Hit the list in consecutive months (April–June)

Not only did 155 people respond to their postcard campaign, but it generated $12,000 in sales — again, from ONE campaign.

So what is the overall takeaway from these case studies?

To generate enough calls and sales from your marketing, you need to market consistently.

Whatever marketing you can budget for, map out your mailings or ads or emails on a calendar, and ensure they go out multiple times before your peak periods.

You’ll reap the rewards for your dedication to marketing!

1532 US Highway 41 Bypass S. #144
Venice, FL 34293-1032
Phone: 941-404-3407


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